Matt Bird
Founder, Studiobird
Timo Bures
General Manager, The Old Clare Hotel
Vince Alafaci & Caroline Choker
Co-founders, ACME&Co.
Lindsay Clare
Clare Design

Sarah Derrington
Academic Dean and Head of School, T.C. Beirne School of Law, University of Queensland (Brisbane)
Michael Drescher
Director, DKO
Jill Dupleix
Food writer
Iva Foschia
Founder & Principal, IF Architecture
Vince Frost
Founder, Frost*collective
Kristin Green
Director, KGA Architecture

Elizabeth Hartnell-Young
Researcher and Honorary Fellow, Melbourne Graduate School of Education, The University of Melbourne
Amanda Henderson
Founder, Gloss Creative
Fabio Ongarato & Ben Kluger
Creative Director & Design Director, Fabio Ongarato Design
Ben Kluger
Design Director, Fabio Ongarato Design
Rachel Luchetti & Stuart Krelle
Founders, Luchetti Krelle
Mark Landini
Creative Director, Landini Associates
Kate Langan
Group General Manager of Property, ANZ
Michael Lavery
Director, m3architecture
Angela Layton

Corbett Lyon and Yueji Lyon
Founding director with co-creator of the Lyon Housemuseum, Lyons Architecture
Andrew Maynard
Founder, Austin Maynard Architects
Bronwyn Mccoll
Principal, Woods Bagot
Chris McCue
Carr Design Group
Ben Edwards & Juliet Moore
Founders, Edwards Moore

Shane Murray
Foundation Professor of Architecture and Dean of the Faculty of Art and Design, Monash University
Justin Northrop
Director, Techné Architecture + Interior Design

Sophie Patitsas
Principal Adviser, Architecture and Urban Design, Office of the Victorian Government Architect
Finn Pedersen
Co-founder and director, Iredale Pedersen Hook Architects
Patricia Bondin & Antonia Pesenti
Founders, Make Creative
Caecilia Potter
Founder, Atticus & Milo
Juliette Arent & Sarah-Jane Pyke
Principals, Arent&Pyke
Harlan Redgen
Founder, Redgen Mathieson

Sarah Lynn Rees
Associate Principal, Indigenous Design and Engagement Lead, Jackson Clements Burrows Architects
Kirsten Stanisich & Jonathan Richards
Directors, SJB Interiors

Pasi Sahlberg
Professor of Educational Policy, deputy director, Gonski Institute for Education, School of Education, UNSW Sydney

Saskia Sassen
Robert S. Lynd Professor of Sociology and Member of the Committee on Global Thought at Columbia University
Matthew Sheargold
Senior Associate, Hassell
Katherine Skipper
Principal, Warren and Mahoney
Ryan Squires
Sheona Thomson
Associate Director of Learning and Teaching Innovation, QUT
Kim Verbrugghe
Senior Strategist, Deepend
Stuart Vokes
Co-founder, Vokes and Peters
Luke Wallis
Content Director, Deepend
Travis Walton
Founder, Travis Walton Architecture
Tracey Wiles
Partner, Make
Christie Petsinis & Tim Wilson
Folk Architects

Bruce Wolfe and Jocelyn Wolfe
CG Fellow with co-creator of Harrigans Lane Collective, Conrad Gargett