The Architecture Symposium: Daylesford Longhouse
Uncovering the alter egos of hybrid houses.
Bruce Wolfe
Conrad Gargett’s inaugural CG Fellow, Bruce’s visionary leadership has been instrumental in upholding the practice’s design legacy and driving its evolution to a large design focussed practice. During his 20 year tenure as managing director, Conrad Gargett evolved into a multi-studio practice of over 150 team members across Australia, with a portfolio of global and award-winning projects. Bruce is renowned for his leadership in some of the most prominent, innovative projects in Queensland, including the internationally awarded Queensland Children’s Hospital. Guided by his appetite for idea exploration and commitment to collaboration, Bruce facilitates shared vision through design. He places cultural aspiration and sustainability at the centre of all his work, and is inspired by his ability to make a difference to the way people live. He is adjunct professor at University of Queensland and immediate Past President of the Queensland Chapter of the Australian Institute of Architects.
Dr Jocelyn Wolfe
Jocelyn is an Adjunct Research Fellow with Queensland Conservatorium Research Centre, Griffith University, co-founder of the Piano Mill; and co-director of the inter-arts venture Harrigans Lane Collective. She has worked extensively in the field of music studies in the university environment. Beyond her PhD study on metaphorical dimensions of musical sound, her research explores relationships between music and society, and music and architecture. In 2014, she initiated a collaborative project at Griffith University bringing together architects and musicians to better understand how the underlying qualitative principles of sound and sound making could be incorporated into architectural design and the experience of built spaces. Jocelyn engages in arts advocacy with a particular interest in chamber music, experimental music, and arts collaborations.