Old School / New School 2021 – Session 1
Back to School: Designing for Primary and Secondary Education
As an architect and doctor of education, Clare brings expertise to the design and occupation of learning spaces. Clare is a founding member of LEaRN at the University of Melbourne and initiated the new Graduate Certificate in Design for Health and Wellbeing. She co-developed six subjects for designers and non-designers to critically evaluate built environments for learning, productivity, sustainability, ageing or wellbeing.
Clare has co-won five major Australian Research Council Linkage Projects on learning environments. She led the first two: the Talking Spaces symposia, which have run as annual industry conversations on school design; and Future Proofing Schools, which included partners from six education departments around Australia and led to PrefabAUS being established.
She has been an ARBV board member, an AIA councillor, president of the Association of Architectural Schools of Australasia and chair of the Validation ExCom for the CAA.