Sascha Solar-March Logo

Sascha Solar-March is a founding partner and principal architect at SAHA, a multi-award-winning architecture studio based in Sydney committed to realising beautiful, hardworking and environmentally sensitive buildings. Houses magazine states: “Spurred by the challenges of housing affordability and social and environmental sustainability, this young Sydney practice has been adapting existing housing with composure, sensitivity and restraint.”

Sascha began his career as a foreman and project manager on residential and medium high-rise construction projects. This experience in both architecture and construction has informed his love for how buildings go together.

A commitment to community enrichment has been a constant throughout his career, reflected in his ongoing work with Healthabitat, a registered not-for-profit organisation working with First Nations communities to improve housing for better health outcomes.

Sascha also enjoys teaching and lecturing at the University of Sydney and the University of Technology Sydney and contributes as an invited juror for the City of Sydney Design Excellence Competitions.

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