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Mel Bright is the owner and founding director of Studio Bright, a Melbourne-based practice that has gathered a collection of diverse and highly acclaimed built work. Studio Bright is best known for its houses, but the practice is currently working on a number of city-making projects across a variety of scales and types, including civic, educational and multi-residential projects.

Mel has led the Studio Bright team since starting the practice in 2006. Prior to this, Mel worked in numerous design practices locally and internationally – across London, Europe, South East Asia and China. This broadly based lineage of work experience allowed Mel a long gestation of the ethos that underpins Studio Bright today.

Studio Bright values innovative design thinking, thoughtful material explorations, respect for heritage, deference to civic context and rigorous acknowledgement of environmental influences. A deep-seated passion for design excellence has fuelled Studio Bright, leading to widely awarded built outcomes.

Mel has amassed a portfolio of significant and award-winning projects that have been widely published and recognized at state and national levels. As a member of the Australian Institute of Architects, Mel actively contributes her time as a speaker and juror, as well as in other leadership roles.

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