Old School / New School – Session 2
Beyond the Classroom: Designing a Neighbourhood Asset
Ben Cleveland (PhD) is an associate professor in learning environments in the Faculty of Architecture, Building and Planning at the University of Melbourne, where he is co-director of the Learning Environments Applied Research Network (LEaRN). He is currently lead chief investigator for the Australian Research Council (ARC) Linkage Project, Building Connections: Schools as Community Hubs (2019-2022) and the Inclusive Learning Environments in Catholic Schools (2021-2024) project sponsored by Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Schools.
Ben has acted as a chief investigator for the ARC Linkage Project Innovative Learning Environments + Teacher Change (2016-2019), led a three-year program of learning environment evaluation for Catholic Education Melbourne and Catholic Diocese of Parramatta, and reviewed the Victorian Department of Education and Training’s school area standards – resulting in significant policy updates. Ben's research was recognized with the Research Excellence Award by the Faculty of Architecture, Building and Planning, University of Melbourne in 2019.
Ben currently teaches at the Melbourne School of Design and supervises PhD students in the field of Learning Environments Research. Ben has consulted on education facilities in Australia and New Zealand and is a past chair of the Victorian Chapter of Learning Environments Australasia.
Learning Environments Applied Research Network (LEaRN), University of Melbourne website →