Thursday 27 October 2016
6.00pm – 8.00pm
206-210 Coventry Street
South Melbourne Melbourne VIC
— Google Maps
Tickets for this event are sold out.

Garth House by Ola Studio. Photography by Derek Swalwell.

Garth House
Presented by
Phil Snowdon, Ola Studio
Ola Studio has created a solid yet flexible extension to an 1800s Melbourne home for restaurant owners Vanessa and Jesse Gerner (Bomba, Green Park). Phil Snowdon of Ola Studio, along with Vanessa, will discuss the story behind this design.

Cross Stitch House
Presented by
Fiona Dunin, FMD Architects
The indoor and outdoor spaces of a single- level Victorian terrace have been cleverly stitched together via a timber trellis, designed by FMD Architects. With her client Pam Mitchell, Fiona Dunin of FMD Architects will describe the design process of this alteration and addition.