

Thursday 12 March 2020
6.00 pm – 8.00 pm ()


King Living
1024 Ann Street
Fortitude Valley Brisbane Qld 4006
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Program Info

From Sydney to Sri Lanka, Qatar to India, our three speakers have each made their mark designing restaurants, hotels and museums.

In this session of Artichoke Night School, we ask three designers and architects how they gained a foothold in a foreign place, how they oversaw the process from their Australian studio, and the challenges and opportunities involved in such work.



Presenting partner

Part of


Sophia Buckle

Event Coordinator

Ichol Pavilion in India by Five Mile Radius. Image courtesy of Five Mile Radius.


Stephanie Donigi

Associate, Architectus Australia

Stephanie Donigi has 15 years of architectural experience working on projects in Australia and the South Pacific and currently works for Architectus Australia. Stephanie is particularly interested in projects that allow meaningful community engagement to inform interesting and desirable architectural outcomes.

More About Stephanie Donigi →

Mark Simpson and Damien Mulvihill

Creative Directors, Design Office

Mark Simpson and Damien Mulvihill are joint creative directors of Design Office; a Melbourne-based interior and architectural practice. They initially met whilst working together in London for Universal Design Studio and later rejoined to establish Design Office in 2008. Their focus is on creating considered, human-centred environments and spaces, regardless of scale or sector.

More About Mark Simpson and Damien Mulvihill →

Clare Kennedy

Director, Five Mile Radius

Clare Kennedy is an architect and director of design studio Five Mile Radius. Clare is interested in local, bio-based and recycled construction materials, which she explores through both practice and research. Five Mile Radius is founded on a tradition of making and has operated a workshop alongside its architecture practice since its foundation.

More About Clare Kennedy →

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