Thursday 27 April 2017
6.00pm – 8.00pm
Brickworks Design Studio
67 King Street
Perth WA
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Tickets for this event are sold out.

Left: Mills, the Toy Management House by Austin Maynard Architects. Photography: Peter Bennetts. Right: Mt Pleasant Walled Garden by Vokes and Peters. Photography: Peter Bennetts.

Toy Management House
Presented by
Andrew Maynard, Founder, Austin Maynard Architects
Andrew Maynard of Melbourne-based practice Austin Maynard Architects, along with client Meahan Callaghan, will share the story behind Mills, the Toy Management House – a playful home with a floor that is a giant toy box.

Mt Pleasant Walled Garden
Presented by
Stuart Vokes, Co-founder, Vokes and Peters
Brisbane-based architect Stuart Vokes of Vokes and Peters, with his client Louise Fry, will explore the design and processes that led to the Mt Pleasant Walled Garden in Perth. The reconfiguration of this home formalizes a garden around the existing house with a suite of brick enclosures.